Monday, 4 May 2009


->Segeralah tunaikan solat bila saudara mendengar azan, walau bagaimanapun keadaan saudara.
->Bacalah al-Quran, buatlah kajian, dengarlah ilmu @ berzikirlah. Jangan habiskan masa saudara pada perkara yang tidak memberi faedah
->Berusahalah bercakap dalam bahasa Arab fusha, kerana ia merupakan salah satu syiar Islam
-> Jangan saudara banyakkan al-jadal (perdebatan) dalam semua urusan, walau bagaimanapun keadaannya, kerana pertengkaran itu tidak mendatangkan kebaikan.
->Jangan banyak ketawa, kerana orang yang berhubung dengan Allah bersifat tenang dan serius.
-> Saudara jangan bergurau ; kerana ummat yang berjihad hanya mengenal keseriusan.
->Jangan angkat suaramu lebih tinggi dari yang diperlukan oleh pendengar, kerana yang demikian itu perbuatan bodoh dan menyakitkan.
-> Saudara jangan mengumpat seseorang, jangan merendahkan sebarang pertubuhan & jangan bercakap kecuali kebaikan.
->Berkenalanlah dengan orang yang saudara temui dari kalangan rakan-rakan saudara, sekalipun saudara tidak diminta berbuat demikian, kerana asas dakwah kita ialah kasih sayang dan berkenalan.
-> “Kewajipan lebih banyak dari waktu, oleh itu bantulah orang lain supaya memanfaatkan waktunya. Jika saudara berurusan singkatkanlah masa perlaksanaannya.”

He wasn't a wealthy man or a carrier politician. He was neither the son of a prominent family nor the friend of an influential leader. His friends admired him, his foes respected him. His message appealed to the rich and the poor, the male and the female, the old and the youth, the intellectual and the illiterate, the urban resident and the rural peasant. He despised oppression and dedicated his entire life struggling against it. At the time of his tragic death, many people, including his Christian friends, defied government orders not to participate in his funeral and risked their lives for paying respect to his grieving family.

His name was Hasan al-Banna, the Imam, the leader, and the reformer whose legacy not only influenced Muslims in Egypt but also inspired the oppressed, the reformers and the grassroots activists around the world until the present times.

In 1938, at the age of 32, Hasan al-Banna synthesized his concepts of grassroots activism in several concise points. More than 50 years after his martyrdom in 1949 and with all of the socio-economic, political and cultural developments that our world has witnessed, his words couldn't be more relevant today than they were half a century ago.

Following is the clear and simple advice he gave to Muslims:

1.Be engaged in Dawah (promote the message of our Most Merciful Creator) efforts following the authentic sources of Islam as prescribed in the Quran and Prophet Muhammad's tradition and as understood by the early righteous followers of Islam.

2.Abide by the words, actions, and instructions of the Messenger of Allah in all spheres of life, especially in matters of creed and worship.
